Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Rob's post hits the nail on the head. I am suddenly so far outside my comfort zone, it's like I'm free falling daily through a range of emotions.
I knew I could be a bit down on a "bad hair" day, but I had never experienced a "no hair" day.
What's interesting about the response at the law office where I toil as a secretary (when not traveling as a journalist) is that the men have generally been kinder than the women. The men think I'm adventurous, while many of the women stare as they go by. Their glances and expressions suggest they are filling out applications to enroll me in an insane asylum. If these women had long luscious locks (like Rita cut off), it would be more understandable, but these are women with hair shorter than what I cut off. I thought they would embrace my sense of adventure.
Having done stand up comedy and pursued acting, I didn't expect to experience moments of diminished self-confidence. Instead of embracing my bravery, they look at me like I'm a freak.
As women we seem so quick to judge each other. I've been guilty of this myself. During the primary season, I first gravitated toward John Edwards and then Barack Obama because Hillary didn't seem as warm as Michelle Obama or Elizabeth Edwards. Hillary's great grace at the Democratic convention made me truly appreciate her for the first time. Yet, I was previously blinded to what a brilliant woman of substance she is -- I fell for style instead.
Having been to New Zealand and gone white river rafting and tandem parapenting in Queenstown about 10 years ago, my anticipation of new adventures gives me more joy than these minor slings and arrows can ever take away from me.

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