Monday, November 10, 2008

Andrew's Billboard is a Hit at a Hockey Game

One of our billboards, Andrew Shanks, shared this report on his Air New Zealand noggin:

I went to an ice hockey game the other night and was in the first row of the section with a full crowd behind me. I could hear everyone behind me talking about the message on my head. Curiosity got the better of alot of them and they had to ask more.

The guys directly behind me initally thought I must work for Air New Zealand and were amazed that Air New Zealand's employees were so dedicated to the cause! HA HA!

Being in the front row, I made a point of standing up as much as possible on any good plays to get as much exposure as possible. By the end of the game I was feeling like quite the VIP in my area. Just walking around the back areas and waiting in lines for food and drinks was a laugh because everyone wanted to talk to me about New Zealand while waiting in line. They had either been or knew someone who had or wanted to go themselves one day.

Of course, I told them that Air New Zealand was ready to take all of them there any time of the year!

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