Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I've Developed Empathy for the Follicle-Challenged

Gee, having my head shaved has been an eye-opener and a head chiller. How do bald men or women do it? My head shivers as I walk to the bus stop in Santa Monica each morning. I now have some pimples on my head from the oil of sunscreen. I didn't want my head to burn. Now I don't want my head to have zits. Geez.

Prior to being a billboard, I was a bit of a hair bigot. I could appreciate a bald man having nice features, but I'm definitely more drawn to guys with thick luscious hair.

Now on the elevator with my head covered with hair about 1/20 of an inch long, I'm envying the men who are bald on top with hair on the sides (whom I used to think of as "chrome domes").

At least now I know one of the things I'd like for Christmas -- got my two front teeth -- NEED HAIR.

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